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Dr. Stephan Cramer

Ceremonial opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Dresden on 22.07.2022

His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Franc But and the on Honorary Consul Dr. Stephan Cramer, appointed on 14.06.2022, had invited to the opening of the Honorary Consular Mission of the Republic of Slovenia in Dresden. The invitation was accepted on this sunny day by numerous honorary consuls and among others

representatives of the economy, the TU-Dresden and the Winegrowers Association of Saxony followed.

left: His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Franc But, and Honorary Consul Dr. iur. utr. Stephan Cramer with his wife Andrea Cramer.

right: Envoy Jozef Ciraj and his wife Dr. Martha Ciraj were present as representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia from Berlin.

Among the guests were also the representatives of the Free State of Saxony, Mr. Erik Kurzweil (Saxon State Chancellery / Head of the Department of International Relations), the Free State of Thuringia, Dr. Veronika Janßen (Thuringian State Chancellery / Head of the Department for Federal, European and International Affairs) as well as the Mayor of the City of Dresden, Mr. Jan Donhauser (Councillor for Education and Youth), who, in the course of the welcoming speech, conveyed the greetings of the Prime Minister and the Lord Mayor, respectively, and good wishes for a successful activity.

After receiving the certificate of the Foreign Office on the exequatur as honorary consul and the certificate of appointment by government decree of the issued by the Vice-President of the Republic of Slovenia and Minister of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Mrs. Tanja Fajon, thanked Honorary Consul Dr. Stephan Cramer thanked his Excellency the Ambassador Franc But and Envoy Ciraj as well as the Vice-Doyen of the Consular Corps in the Free the Free State of Saxony, the Honorary Consul of Switzerland, Mr. Peter Kaul, for their support and accompaniment of the procedure of the appointment.

His Excellency the Ambassador Franz But thanked the Honorary Consul a.C., who was appointed until the end of 2021. Honorary Consul (ret.) Martin Bergmann for his dedicated service, and his wife his wife Rosemarie Bergmann for the support in the exercise of the office.

left: Official opening of the consulate.

right: The flag of the Republic of Slovenia vis á vis the castle - the Republic of Slovenia is represented in Dresden again, and this for the consular district of Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt.

The guests then had the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experience with Slovenian and Radebeul white wine as well as Karst ham from Slovenia on the sunny terrace with a view of the Dresden Castle.


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