Warm welcome
on the website of the Consulate
of the Republic of Slovenia
in Dresden
Consular District of Saxony | Thuringia | Saxony-Anhalt
You will find information on the following pages
for emergencies
via the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin
via Ministries of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana
about Slovenian and German organizations
What can and what am I allowed to do for you as Honorary Consul?
The duties of an honorary consul are regulated, among other things, by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (WÜK) of April 24, 1963. On this basis, one of my tasks in particular is,
To support citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in an emergency through the consular official actions I can
represent and protect the interests of the Republic of Slovenia and its citizens
Establishing contacts with suitable contacts in Slovenia or in my consular district for transnational projects in industry and trade, for cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture and tourism.
As an honorary consul, I cannot perform the following consular official acts for you:
Issuance of passports and identity cards
issuance of visas
Acknowledgments of paternity and declarations of custody
Changes of residence in the passport or identity card.
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin is responsible for these official acts.
The Republic of Slovenia and the Federal Republic of Germany are close partners within the European Union - to fill this partnership with life from the federal states belonging to my consular district, to build bridges and to help with questions and in emergencies with the consular official actions I can a concern and a special pleasure and honor for me.

Dr. iur. utr. Stephen Cramer
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia
Kleine Brüdergasse 1
01067 Dresden
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: +49/351/317 22-53
Fax: +49/351/317 22-22
Consulate opening hours:
09.00 - 16.00
or by appointment